Exclusion, enmity and exclusivity 

Materialities and key dynamics of community

Kombucha Finger Lollipops

Lollipops made from Kombucha caramel

How can we tackle the issue of overconsumption and resulting global overproduction, irresponsible waste of resources and unsustainable products? Philosopher André Gorz says: "we must produce what we consume and consume what we produce“.

By accident I came across kombucha caramel during a pigment workshop at school, while trying to make coloured kombucha pigments.

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MAKER ACTIVIST is a platform intended to help users to make things themselves. It provides open-source instructions on how to self-produce things, using locally available materials and resources. It thereby connects a growing community of makers to share instructions and make together.

By accident I came across kombucha caramel during a pigment workshop at school, while trying to make coloured kombucha pigments.